Palmetto Publishing launches W. Robert Angles's breathtaking work of regional literary fiction
The Divides of my Brethren
From the fields to the coal mines, Angles has been fascinated by the world of the working class in Appalachia-its demands and struggles; its perseverance; its deep-rooted culture of faith as expressed in gospel religion and hymns. After receiving degrees in education and business, and after a season of service as a personnelman in the U.S. Navy, Angles became an advisor to corporations on personnel administration and labor relations.
His rich background has allowed him both to understand the Appalachian region and to keep the complex dynamics within the labor force in full view. His storytelling advocates for the proverbial least of these while comprehending the deep structure of industry and politics as a clear backdrop in each scene. The result is a compelling novel that cherishes the people of Appalachia and poignantly honors their lives.
The Divides of my Brethren is available for purchase online at and For more information about the author, please visit any of his social media platforms.
Facebook: W Roger Angles
About the Author:
W. Robert Angles spent his early years in the sweeping countryside of the Virginias where he became enthralled by the simple lives of laborers. With a rich career background in the U.S. Navy and in labor relations consulting, Angles's fiction explores tensions and passions in the politics and labor culture of his home region. Divides of my Brethren is his first novel.
Media Contact: W. Roger Angles
Available for interviews: Author, W. Roger Angles
CONTACT: Leah Joseph
Palmetto Publishing