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A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S - Development of the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 18 March 2025

The Annual General Meeting of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S took place on Tuesday 18 March 2025 as a completely electronic general meeting in accordance with the below agenda.


The Board of Directors had appointed Niels Kornerup, attorney-at-law, as Chairman of the meeting.


  1. Report on the Company's activities during the past financial year.

                 The Chairman of the Board of Directors (the "Board”) gave a presentation of the Company's activities in the past year.

  1. Submission of the audited annual report for adoption.
           The audited annual report was submitted and adopted.

  1. Resolution to grant discharge to directors.
           The General Meeting discharged the Directors from their obligations.

  1. Resolution on appropriation of profit and the amount of dividends in accordance with the adopted annual report.
           The Board's proposal for distribution of the result as set out in the adopted annual report and distribution of dividends of USD 2,437 million to the shareholders, equivalent to DKK 1,120 per share of nominally DKK 1,000, was adopted.

  1. The remuneration report is presented for approval.

           The remuneration report was presented and approved.

  1. Resolution on authority to acquire own shares.
The General Meeting authorised the Board to allow the company to acquire own shares to the extent that the nominal value of the Company's total holding of own shares at no time exceeds 15% of the Company's share capital at the time of granting the authority. The purchase price must not deviate by more than 10% from the price quoted on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S on the date of the acquisition.

This authorisation was to be in force until 30 April 2027.

  1. Any requisite election of members for the Board of Directors.

                 Pursuant to the Articles of Association, Marc Engel, Kasper Rørsted, Arne Karlsson, Bernard L. Bot and Amparo Moraleda stepped down from the Board.


                 Marc Engel, Kasper Rørsted, Bernard L. Bot and Amparo Moraleda were re-elected as members of the Board.

                 Further, Xavier Urbain was elected as new member of the Board.

                 Hereafter, the Board consisted of:

                 Robert Maersk Uggla, Marc Engel, Kasper Rørsted, Marika Fredriksson, Thomas Lindegaard Madsen, Julija Voitiekute, Bernard L. Bot, Amparo Moraleda, Allan Thygesen and Xavier Urbain.

  1. Election of auditors.

                 PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as auditor of the Company. The election applied to both statutory financial and sustainability reporting.

  1. Deliberation of any proposals submitted by the Board of Directors or by shareholders.
  1. The General Meeting adopted the Board's proposal of authorisation to the Board to declare extraordinary dividend until the first annual general meeting in 2026.
  1. The shareholder proposal on disclosure of human rights due diligence processes was not adopted.
  1. The shareholder proposal regarding transportation of arms was not adopted.

Meeting adjourned.

Contact person: Head of Board Secretariat, Anne Pindborg, tel. no. +45 33 63 36 61

