To give an overview of the 2025 Financial Plan and the five-year financial forecast, LHV Group organised an investor meeting webinar on 13 February. An overview of the company's plans was given by Madis Toomsalu, Chairman of the Management Board. A macro-economic outlook was presented by economist Triinu Tapver.
The live coverage was followed by 46 participants, the live feed of the presentation was broadcast over Zoom.
Recording of the investor meeting (in Estonian) is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-pQJ-5WmXI.
Presentation (in English) at: https://www.lhv.ee/assets/files/investor/LHV_Group_Financial_Plan_2025-EN.pdf.
LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provider in Estonia. LHV Group's key subsidiaries are LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kindlustus, and LHV Bank Limited. The Group employs over 1,200 people. As at the end of December, LHV's banking services are being used by nearly 460,000 clients, the pension funds managed by LHV have 114,000 active clients, and LHV Kindlustus is protecting a total of 170,000 clients. LHV Bank Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, holds a banking licence in the United Kingdom and provides banking services to international financial technology companies, as well as loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Priit Rum
Communications Manager
Phone: +372 502 0786
Email: priit.rum@lhv.ee