Over $135 Billion of Capital Inflows; $48 Billion of Capital Deployed in 2024

Quarterly Fee-Related Earnings up 17% Year-Over-Year to a Record $677 Million

NEW YORK, Feb. 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. (NYSE: BAM, TSX: BAM) ("BAM”), a leading global alternative asset manager headquartered in New York with over $1 trillion of assets under management, today announced financial results for the year ended December 31, 2024.

Connor Teskey, President of Brookfield Asset Management, stated, "2024 was another strong year for our business. We raised over $135 billion of capital, including a record $29 billion of organic fundraising in the fourth quarter. This fundraising momentum, alongside annual capital deployments of $48 billion drove year-over-year growth of 18% for our fee-bearing capital, and 17% for our fourth quarter fee-related earnings.”

He continued, "2025 is shaping up to be yet another record year for us. We have a great foundation in place, with well-positioned, diversified fund offerings in leadership positions across the fastest growing areas in the alternatives space. Driven by the growth in our flagship and complementary funds and credit business, this positive outlook and our strong financial position enabled us to raise our quarterly dividend by 15%. Finally, last week we closed the previously announced transaction between BAM and Brookfield Corporation, and as a result, BAM, with 1.6 billion shares now outstanding, owns the entire asset management business at an equity market capitalization approaching $100 billion.”

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Operating Results

Brookfield Asset Management Ltd.

Net income for BAM, the publicly traded entity, totaled $186 million for the quarter (2023 - $95 million). Up until the closing of the transaction last week, BAM owned an approximate 27% interest in our asset management business with the other approximate 73% owned by Brookfield Corporation (BN). In order to provide meaningful comparative information and inform you on how BAM results will look in the future, the discussion that follows relates to the financial results on a 100% basis for our asset management business.

Brookfield Asset Management 1

For the periods ended December 31

(US$ millions, except per share amounts)

Three Months Ended Twelve Months Ended
 2024   2023   2024   2023 
Fee-Related Earnings2$677  $581  $2,456  $2,241 
Add back: equity-based compensation costs and other3 60   50   208   199 
Less: cash taxes (88)  (45)  (301)  (196)
Distributable Earnings2$649  $586  $2,363  $2,244 
Fee-related earnings per share$0.42  $0.36  $1.51  $1.37 
Distributable earnings per share$0.40  $0.36  $1.45  $1.37 
Net income attributable to Brookfield Asset Management$688  $374  $2,168  $1,839 
See endnotes

Operating Highlights

Financial Results

Fee-bearing capital (FBC) reached $539 billion at the end of the fourth quarter, up $82 billion or 18% over the past year.

In the quarter, FBC benefitted from fundraising within our transition and real estate flagship funds, deployments within our infrastructure debt fund, and NAV increases across Oaktree perpetual credit funds, partially offset by a decrease in our listed affiliate share prices.

On the back of this growth in fee-bearing capital, fee-related earnings were a record $677 million ($0.42 / share) for the quarter and $2.5 billion ($1.51 / share) over the last twelve months, up 17% and 10% over the same periods in the prior year, respectively.

Distributable earnings were $649 million ($0.40 / share) for the quarter and $2.4 billion ($1.45 / share) over the last twelve months, up 11% and 5% over the same periods in the prior year, respectively.


We raised $29 billion in the fourth quarter of 2024 and $137 billion during the year. Our complementary strategies continue to scale and contribute to a greater proportion of our overall fundraising in the quarter. Notable fundraising updates for the fourth quarter include:

  • In renewable power, we raised $4.2 billion of capital, including $3.5 billion for the second vintage of our global transition flagship fund strategy. We expect to hold a final close for this flagship in the first half of 2025.

  • In infrastructure, we raised a total of $2.5 billion, including $700 million for our supercore infrastructure strategy, our strongest quarter in over two years. We also raised nearly $700 million for our private wealth infrastructure fund and over $500 million for our infrastructure structured solutions fund.

  • In private equity, we raised $1.8 billion of capital in the quarter, including $1.0 billion for our Middle East fund and $500 million for the second vintage of our special investments fund.

  • In real estate, we raised over $700 million of capital during the quarter, including nearly

    $500 million raised for the fifth vintage of our flagship real estate fund strategy. We expect to hold a final close for this flagship in the first half of 2025.

  • In credit, we raised approximately $20 billion of capital. This included $9.2 billion raised across Oaktree funds and strategies, $6.6 billion from insurance clients, $1.7 billion for our fourth vintage infrastructure debt fund, and approximately $900 million across our other credit partner managers.
Notable Transactions

We deployed $16 billion of capital in the fourth quarter of 2024, and $48 billion during the year. Recent notable deployments include:

  • In renewable power and transition, we deployed $4.5 billion of capital, including $3.2 billion into our acquisition of Neoen, a global, leading, pure-play renewable development business, which was previously announced in June. Subsequent to the end of the quarter, we announced an $850 million investment into Origis Energy, a U.S. renewable energy developer, out of our infrastructure structured solutions fund.

  • In real estate, we deployed $2.4 billion of capital, including over $800 million in deployments out of the fifth vintage of our real estate flagship fund into a portfolio of U.S. multifamily properties with nearly 5,000 units, a portfolio of 14 U.S. student-housing assets with nearly 9,000 beds and Tritax, a publicly-listed pan-European logistics REIT.
  • In credit, we deployed $7.7 billion in the quarter, including $2.4 billion out of our opportunistic credit flagship fund series and over $900 million from our strategic credit private wealth fund.

We monetized approximately $9 billion of capital in the quarter, and $30 billion in the year. Recent notable sales include:

  • In renewable power and transition, we monetized $1.4 billion of capital in the quarter, including the sale of Saeta Yield and a partial sale of Shepherds Flat.

  • In real estate, we monetized $1.8 billion of capital, including the sale of a portfolio of shopping centers in the U.K.
  • In private equity, subsequent to the end of the quarter, Clarios, the world's leading provider of advanced low-voltage batteries, completed an upfinancing which funded a $4.5 billion distribution.

Uncalled Fund Commitments and Liquidity

As of December 31, 2024, we had a total of $115 billion of uncalled fund commitments.

  • Uncalled fund commitments include $53 billion which is not currently earning fees but will earn approximately $530 million of fees annually once deployed.

We had corporate liquidity of $1.8 billion on our balance sheet as of December 31, 2024, comprised of cash, short term financial assets, and the undrawn capacity on our revolving credit facility. This includes a five-year, unsecured, $750 million revolving credit facility.

Recent Strategic Transactions and Corporate Announcements

  • As mentioned above, and subsequent to the end of the quarter, BAM acquired BN's 73% private interest in our asset management business in exchange for BAM Class A Shares. The transaction has simplified our corporate structure, enhanced governance and given BAM 100% ownership of the asset management business. This positions BAM for inclusion in a broader set of global stock indices.

Regular Dividend Declaration

The board of directors of Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. declared a quarterly dividend of $0.4375 per share, representing a 15% increase, payable on March 31, 2025, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on February 28, 2025.

End Notes
  1. Reflects full period results unless otherwise noted on a 100% basis for Brookfield Asset Management, being Brookfield Asset Management ULC and its subsidiaries, including its share of the asset management activities of partly owned subsidiaries.
  2. See Reconciliation of Net Income to Fee-Related Earnings and Distributable Earnings on page 6 and Non-GAAP and Performance Measures section on page 8.
  3. Equity-based compensation costs and other income includes Brookfield Asset Management's portion of partly owned subsidiaries investment income, realized carried interest, and other items.

Brookfield Asset Management Ltd.

Statement of Financial Position


As at December 31

(US$ millions)

 December 31, December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents $12 $9
Investment in Brookfield Asset Management  3,331  2,270
Due from affiliates  968  886
Other assets  75  40
Total Assets $4,386 $3,205
Accounts payable and other $879 $859
Due to affiliates  229  261
Total Liabilities  1,108  1,120
Total Equity  3,278  2,085
Total Liabilities and Equity $4,386 $3,205

Brookfield Asset Management Ltd.

Statement of Operating Results


For the periods ended December 31

(US$ millions, except per share amounts)

Three Months Ended Year Ended
 2024   2023   2024   2023 
Equity accounted income$192  $104  $570  $470 
Compensation and other expenses (6)  (9)  (29)  (19)
Net Income$186  $95  $541  $451 
Net income per share of common stock       
Diluted$0.42  $0.24  $1.28  $1.13 
Basic$0.44  $0.24  $1.31  $1.15 

Brookfield Asset Management

Statement of Financial Position


As at December 31

(US$ millions)

 December 31, December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents $404 $2,667
Accounts receivable and other  713  588
Investments  9,606  7,522
Due from affiliates  2,501  2,504
Deferred income tax assets and other assets  933  1,009
Total Assets $14,157 $14,290
Accounts payable and other $1,829 $1,799
Due to affiliates  1,091  986
Deferred income tax liabilities and other  2,149  2,206
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