A WISE man once said, 'Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.' This is one of the most practical unsolicited pieces of advice I have received recently, more so now that I have been promoted to Tito Alvin from Kuya Alvin. By the way, 'advice' is an uncountable noun, so you should not pluralize it with an 's' and just say 'advice' or 'pieces of advice' if you mean to say many. Anyway, since my recent 'promotion,' I have become more mindful and consistent with my self-care routines. I don't think I have exerted more effort into doing something consistently since making my niece cry every day when she was 3 until she moved out of the house to live with their mother when she was in high school. She's now in her 20s and still treats me with the utmost respect, in case you were wondering. I have been sleeping much earlier since the new year, getting my zzz's in before Cinderella got home and making sure I had at least 7 hours of sleep every night. During the day, I would hit the gym for an hour and not miss leg days. And then swim for a quarter of a kilometer in my freestyle. A quarter of a kilometer just really sounded way cooler than 250 meters, but yeah, life is good. Life is good. Keep well!