Bagsværd, Denmark, 6 February 2025 - This company announcement discloses the data of the transaction(s) made in Novo Nordisk shares by the company's board members, executives and their associated persons in accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No. 596/2014 on market abuse.
The company's board members, executives and their associated persons have reported the transactions to Novo Nordisk and have given Novo Nordisk power of attorney on their behalf to publish trading in Novo Nordisk shares by the company's board members, executives and their associated persons.
Please find below a statement of such trading in shares issued by Novo Nordisk.
1 | Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated | |||||
a) | Name of the Board member/Executive/Associated Person | Liselotte Sofie Hyveled | ||||
2 | Reason for the notification | |||||
a) | Position/status | Member of the Board of Directors | ||||
b) | Initial notification/Amendment | Initial notification | ||||
3 | Details of the issuer | |||||
a) | Name | Novo Nordisk A/S | ||||
b) | LEI | 549300DAQ1CVT6CXN342 | ||||
4 | Details of the transaction(s) | |||||
a) | Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument, | Shares | ||||
Identification code | Novo Nordisk B DK0062498333 | |||||
b) | Nature of the transaction | Other transaction (transfer of shares in
accordance with Long Term Incentive programme) |
| Price(s) and volume(s) | |||||
Price(s) | Volume(s) | |||||
DKK 0.00 | 1,407 shares | |||||
d) | Aggregated information
| 1,407 shares DKK 0.00 | ||||
e) | Date of the transaction | 2025-02-05 | ||||
f) | Place of the transaction | Outside a trading venue |
1 | Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated | |||||
a) | Name of the Board member/Executive/Associated Person | Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen | ||||
2 | Reason for the notification | |||||
a) | Position/status | President and CEO | ||||
b) | Initial notification/Amendment | Initial notification | ||||
3 | Details of the issuer | |||||
a) | Name | Novo Nordisk A/S | ||||
b) | LEI | 549300DAQ1CVT6CXN342 | ||||
4 | Details of the transaction(s) | |||||
a) | Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument, | Shares | ||||
Identification code | Novo Nordisk B DK0062498333 | |||||
b) | Nature of the transaction | Other transaction (transfer of shares in accordance with Long Term Incentive programme) | ||||
c) | Price(s) and volume(s) | |||||
Price(s) | Volume(s) | |||||
DKK 0.00 | 98,702 shares | |||||
d) | Aggregated information
| 98,702 shares DKK 0.00 | ||||
e) | Date of the transaction | 2025-02-05 | ||||
f) | Place of the transaction | Outside a trading venue |
1 | Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated | |||||
a) | Name of the Board member/Executive/Associated Person | Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen | ||||
2 | Reason for the notification | |||||
a) | Position/status | President and CEO | ||||
b) | Initial notification/Amendment | Initial notification | ||||
3 | Details of the issuer | |||||
a) | Name | Novo Nordisk A/S | ||||
b) | LEI | 549300DAQ1CVT6CXN342 | ||||
4 | Details of the transaction(s) | |||||
a) | Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument, | Shares | ||||
Identification code | Novo Nordisk B DK0062498333 | |||||
b) | Nature of the transaction | Sale of shares | ||||
c) | Price(s) and volume(s) | |||||
Price(s) | Volume(s) | |||||
618.10 DKK | 32 shares | |||||
d) | Aggregated information
| 32 shares 19,779 DKK | ||||
e) | Date of the transaction | 2025-02-05 | ||||
1 | Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated | |||||
a) | Name of the Board member/Executive/Associated Person | Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen | ||||
2 | Reason for the notification | |||||
a) | Position/status | President and CEO | ||||
b) | Initial notification/Amendment | Initial notification | ||||
3 | Details of the issuer | |||||
a) | Name | Novo Nordisk A/S | ||||
b) | LEI | 549300DAQ1CVT6CXN342 | ||||
4 | Details of the transaction(s) | |||||
a) | Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument, | Shares | ||||
Identification code | Novo Nordisk B DK0062498333 | |||||
b) | Nature of the transaction | Sale of shares | ||||
c) | Price(s) and volume(s) | |||||
Price(s) | Volume(s) | |||||
619.48 DKK | 1,104 shares | |||||
d) | Aggregated information
| 1,104 shares 683,905 DKK | ||||
e) | Date of the transaction | 2025-02-05 | ||||
f) | Place of the transaction | AQUIS EXCHANGE EUROPE |
1 | Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated | |||||
a) | Name of the Board member/Executive/Associated Person | Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen | ||||
2 | Reason for the notification | |||||
a) | Position/status | President and CEO | ||||
b) | Initial notification/Amendment | Initial notification | ||||
3 | Details of the issuer | |||||
a) | Name | Novo Nordisk A/S | ||||
b) | LEI | 549300DAQ1CVT6CXN342 | ||||
4 | Details of the transaction(s) | |||||
a) | Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument, | Shares | ||||
Identification code | Novo Nordisk B DK0062498333 | |||||
b) | Nature of the transaction | Sale of shares | ||||
c) | Price(s) and volume(s) | |||||
Price(s) | Volume(s) | |||||
617.56 DKK | 978 shares | |||||
d) | Aggregated information
| 978 shares 603,976 DKK | ||||
e) | Date of the transaction | 2025-02-05 | ||||
f) | Place of the transaction | CBOE EUROPE - DXE PERIODIC (NL) |
1 | Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated | |||||
a) | Name of the Board member/Executive/Associated Person | Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen | ||||
2 | Reason for the notification | |||||
a) | Position/status | President and CEO | ||||
b) | Initial notification/Amendment | Initial notification | ||||
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