Opinion > Columns
Who will win the sexuality debate?


THE ongoing controversy over a UN-mandated sex education program for Filipino children threatens to overwhelm Church-State relations as some woke politicians insist on some UN agencies taking over the inviolable right and duty of parents to give their children a proper sex education. What kind of sex education the young get is not merely a citizen's secular concern but a deeply moral and existential one that involves one's relationship with other human beings.

Objective morality recognizes man as a created being; he is born into a family, which is the primary unit of society, and precedes the existence of the state and is superior rather than subordinate to it. In the order of things, the laws of his moral existence run above the laws enacted by Congress on various things and cannot and should not be treated in the same class. However, some woke politicians would like to ignore this hierarchy of values and make the family totally subject to the state.

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