Opinion > Columns
Trump anti-war? THINK again.

TAKE the cue from Herman Tiu Laurel, president of the Asian Century Philippines Strategic Studies Institute (ACPSSI), who has been very busy preparing for the 'Anti-War, Anti-US Bases, Anti-Missiles' Congress to be held today until tomorrow in Cagayan de Oro City, with motorcades to protest the Americans now at Lumbia Air Base and conversion of the Phividec Ecozone into a naval base. This is the culmination of the Anti-EDCA series of campaigns from Tuguegarao in Cagayan province in 2023, followed by the Cebu Anti-War Congress in August 2024.

From Cagayan de Oro, a caravan will proceed to Laoag, Ilocos Norte to, said Laurel, 'face the Typhon missile launchers.'

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