Opinion > Columns
Everyone's gay!


EVERYONE should assume that everyone else is gay. Let me tell you why. And while we're at it, let's talk about toxic Filipino traits, shall we? By the way, 'everyone' is always singular, even if it obviously refers to a group of people. Going back to my point, one toxic Filipino trait is how we generalize all other people to be straight. Take your toxic 'Marites' tita for example. That one tita, tito or older cousin who would never fail to ask you during Christmas reunions as if it were tradition, 'Bakit wala ka pang girlfriend?' if you were male or 'boyfriend' if you were female. They would always only ask about the opposite sex and stop at that since they probably assumed that you were straight or thought they'd offend you (or probably more themselves) if they asked about the same sex. And that is why, similarly, straight people should not get offended by the question because there is nothing offensive about not being straight. And this is exactly what is inherently wrong in this country and what messes up the minds of children who are built differently. This toxic behavior, which ironically prevails in family settings, is what prevents the same families from becoming closer because it ostracizes members who are born differently. Let's normalize asking males and females if they have boyfriends and girlfriends, if they didn't have girlfriends and boyfriends, respectively, and just let everyone live his life the way he feels he should!