London-based sibling duo Will Gao and Olivia Hardy, known as Wasia Project, continue to captivate listeners with their genre-blending sound. Their EP "Isotope" showcases their growth as artists, following the success of tracks like "Ur So Pretty," "Petals on The Moon," "Impossible," and "Is This What Love Is." Having toured with Tom Odell and Laufey and performed at festivals like Latitude and Standon Calling, the duo recently headlined their own shows, solidifying their place in the indie music scene.
On an exchange with Music Geek, the British-Chinese musicians recounted the first time they decided to create music together and how they discovered their curiosity for songwriting at home. Additionally, the duo frequently fuse genres without labeling them, making it hard for them to describe their sound. For them, music is an outlet to create and immerse one's soul deeper.
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