IT has been my and now our little family's tradition not to open Christmas gifts until Christmas Day unless they're food, of course! We'd like to spend the holidays in the pink of health, thank you! We have a high EQ like that. Saying 'in the pink of health' is a nice way of saying in perfect health.It's an idiomatic expression. Going back, I personally find satisfaction in waiting. It makes opening gifts more special. A lot of the time, we tend to overlook the value of receiving gifts because of how often it happens or familiarity, especially during the Christmas season. So, waiting allows us to appreciate it and lets it sink in a little bit more. It really makes me feel special to have made it to another person's list, no matter the gift. Speaking of gifts, one of our favorite gifts that we received as a couple last Christmas was this aesthetic, personal electric fan. It was a Vornado in a nice beige color and silverware that had a very retro vibe and suited our place perfectly. It fit right instantly. I love it! What were your favorite gifts this year? Don't forget to thank the people who remembered you last Christmas!