FORMER mayor Leonardo 'Narding' de Leon, known as 'The Legend' of Angat, Bulacan, passed away on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 5, 2025. He was 86.De Leon was elected and served as mayor of Angat for 29 years.There has been no official statement from the family regarding the cause of death other than the information that de Leon was rushed to the Castro Maternity and General Hospital in Baliwag City, Bulacan on the night of January 4, due to a decrease in oxygen levels.Until his death, de Leon was a mayoralty candidate in 2025 National and Local Elections.De Leon was appointed as mayor of Angat in 1987 to 1989. He was also elected as town mayor from 1989-1998, 2001-2010, 2013-2022.He was called the 'The Legend' of Angat, Bulacan, probably for having served the town for four terms as mayor.