Opinion > Columns
'From the bushes to the desert'

First of two parts

I DREAMED of a diplomatic posting in Africa, but it was not meant to be. The closest I came to, it was an assignment to Papua New Guinea (PNG) in Oceania, located in the western edge of the Pacific Ocean (followed by a Qatar assignment). Kenya affords one the opportunity to be at the same time the Philippine representative to the United Nations Environment Program in Nairobi, where I was doing a continuing consultancy work on environmental law.
I did brief work for the Asian Development Bank just a few months before I received the PNG assignment, so somehow I knew the place. Strangely, just five months after arriving in Port Moresby, I was informed that the Nairobi post had become available, but I decided to stay put as I had eased into life in PNG.
PNG: A whirl of a time

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