IMPROVE your vocabulary in one minute! Read on! You see I have a penchant (strong inclination) for vintage stuff. In fact, I have a Fujica Compact old camera which I bought sometime in 2018. You know those cameras with manual winding mechanism and adjustable lenses. And my latest fancy (liking) are vintage watches.I went on a shopping spree the other day and treated myself for Christmas. I got myself two Omega watches. Vintage Omegas that is. One is in classic silver that is a manual-wound watch. Before you get morbid thoughts, in talking about vintage watches, we use the word 'wound' not as an abrasion on the skin that is pronounced as 'woond' but as the past form of wind — the verb 'wind' and not the noun 'wind' — that is pronounced as 'wawnd.' Anyway, I think this feature adds to its charm. The second one was an automatic black leather watch which I thought gave off a strong old money aesthetic. I love it! When you buy vintage stuff, one important thing to consider is if they are in mint condition (excellent state) and so, you must be careful in looking for a good dealer. I got mine from this Instagram shop, Watch Trade PH. Not sponsored! Remember, some old stuff are worth investing in. It's just a matter of knowing where to look.