I started with my content creation journey on TikTok during the pandemic in 2020. So, you can say I have been in the 'industry' for four years now. As I slowly but surely grew my following on TikTok and, just this year, also on Instagram and Facebook, I have noticed that there have been more and more people who would recognize and say hello to me in the most random places, like malls, elevators, churches, the airport and all other places you can think of, with some even taking the extra mile and request to have their pictures taken with me. And I would always oblige with a smile, of course! Because who was I not to? I would have to admit that I flatter myself every time, but then I also remind myself to take a slice of my humble pie as soon as I come back down to earth a few seconds later. Remember, and I'm talking to myself too, a person's follower base does not make him better than anyone. Most commonly, they would say: 'Hello! I'm following you on TikTok!' or 'I'm seeing you on Instagram!' both of which are in the present continuous tense, which is not the right tense to use in these situations. When something is happening regularly or is the general truth, like following or seeing someone on his social media accounts, we must use the simple present form. So, we say: 'Hello! I follow you on TikTok!' or 'I see you on Instagram!' Got it? Sorry na, guys! Labyu!