GERARD CEDRIC REYES Chief Executive Officer, My Sanctuary Wellness Center Inc.

Being a businessman doesn’t just course through Gerard Cedric Reyes’ veins; it is in his DNA. As the CEO of My Sanctuary Wellness Inc. and the second generation to hold the reins of the company, he has needed a lot of grit to overcome trials and lead the company to success.
GERARD CEDRIC REYES Chief Executive Officer, My Sanctuary Wellness Center Inc. Being a businessman doesn’t just course through Gerard Cedric Reyes’ veins; it is in his DNA. As the CEO of My Sanctuary Wellness Inc. and the second generation to hold the reins of the company, he has needed a lot of grit to overcome trials and lead the company to success.

"Leadership is not being a boss; it means going with your subordinates and showing them how it's done. Be with them, and be a coach. You don't stop until they get it right." - Gerard Cedric Reyes

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