WHEATON, Ill., Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Innovator Capital Management, LLC (Innovator) announced the net asset value (NAV) of the Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF™ (NYSE: IDEC) was adjusted by the amount indicated below, on December 13, 2024. This adjustment is a result of an error in calculating IDEC's NAV.

FundTickerRevised NAV (12/13/24)Original NAV (12/13/24)Adjustment (%)
Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF™IDEC$27.1049$26.84290.976%
This is a one-time adjustment, and we do not expect additional changes.

For more information on IDEC, please visit www.innovatoretfs.com.

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Frank Taylor / Stephanie Dressler

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The Funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses should be considered before investing. The prospectus contains this and other important information, and it may be obtained at innovatoretfs.com. Read it carefully before investing.

About Innovator Capital Management, LLC

Innovator was established in 2017 by Bruce Bond and John Southard, founders of the PowerShares ETF lineup that has grown to be the fourth largest in the world. The listing of three Innovator Buffer ETFs™ in August 2018 marked the launch of the world's first Defined Outcome ETFs™. Innovator is dedicated to providing ETFs with built-in risk management that offer investors a high level of predictability around their investment outcomes. Today, with more than 100 ETFs and $18 billion in AUM, Innovator is the industry's leading provider of Defined Outcome ETFs™.

The following marks: Accelerated ETFs®, Accelerated Plus ETF®, Accelerated Return ETF®, Barrier ETF™, Buffer ETF™, Defined Outcome Bond ETF®, Defined Outcome ETFs™, Define Your Future®, Enhanced ETF™, Floor ETF®, Innovator ETFs®, Leading the Defined Outcome ETF Revolution™, Managed Buffer ETF®, Managed Outcome ETF®, Stacker ETF™, Step-Up™, Step-Up ETFs™, 100% Buffer ETFs™ and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are the trademarks of Innovator Capital Management, LLC, its affiliates or licensors. Use of these terms is strictly prohibited without proper written authorization.

Innovator ETFs are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC.

Copyright © 2024 Innovator Capital Management, LLC.
