MOST people who consider themselves Christians will have their own imagined image of Jesus of Nazareth. Few really know who he was, what he did and said, or was reported as having said. Most know him as the child of poor parents born in a manger in Bethlehem, in what's now the West Bank. They know about him from the Good Friday passion plays as a man falsely accused and condemned to death by the ruling authorities in Jerusalem. They had him arrested, jailed, tortured and executed by the Romans occupying Palestine then. Let us consider the kind of person he was — and is.
Few people, even many in the clergy, ever read from start to finish the accounts of Jesus' life in the four Gospels. The attributed writers of these historical accounts are Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, and they give detailed accounts of Jesus as a person and relate what he did and said. The first three all seemed to have a copy of a written account by another disciple, and they copied stories from that and added them to their own documents. Only John has his own storytelling style.