NEW YORK, Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Boards of Trustees/Directors of the PIMCO closed-end funds below (each, a "Fund” and, collectively, the "Funds”) have declared a monthly distribution for each Fund's common shares as summarized below. The distributions are payable on January 2, 2025 to shareholders of record on December 12, 2024, with an ex-dividend date of December 12, 2024.
Monthly Distribution Per Share | |||||
Fund | NYSE Symbol | Amount | Change From
Previous Month |
Change From Previous Month |
PIMCO Corporate & Income Strategy Fund | (NYSE: PCN) | $0.112500 | - | - | |
PIMCO Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund | (NYSE: PTY) | $0.118800 | - | - | |
PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund | (NYSE: PGP) | $0.069000 | - | - | |
PIMCO High Income Fund | (NYSE: PHK) | $0.048000 | - | - | |
PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. | (NYSE: RCS) | $0.051000 | - | - | |
PCM Fund, Inc. | (NYSE: PCM) | $0.080000 | - | - | |
PIMCO Income Strategy Fund | (NYSE: PFL) | $0.081400 | - | - | |
PIMCO Income Strategy Fund II | (NYSE: PFN) | $0.071800 | - | - | |
PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund | (NYSE: PDI) | $0.220500 | - | - | |
PIMCO Dynamic Income Opportunities Fund | (NYSE: PDO) | $0.127900 | - | - | |
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund | (NYSE: PMF) | $0.042000 | - | - | |
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund | (NYSE: PCQ) | $0.036000 | - | - | |
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund | (NYSE: PNF) | $0.033500 | - | - | |
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II | (NYSE: PML) | $0.039500 | - | - | |
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II | (NYSE: PCK) | $0.021500 | - | - | |
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II | (NYSE: PNI) | $0.029500 | - | - | |
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III | (NYSE: PMX) | $0.033000 | - | - | |
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III | (NYSE: PZC) | $0.029500 | - | - | |
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund III | (NYSE: PYN) | $0.024800 | - | - | |
PIMCO Access Income Fund | (NYSE: PAXS) | $0.149400 | - | - | |
PIMCO Dynamic Income Strategy Fund | (NYSE: PDX) | $0.113300 | - | - |
Fund | NYSE Symbol | Current Amount | Annualized
current distribution rate expressed as a percentage of NAV as of 10/31/2024 |
Annualized current distribution rate expressed as a percentage of Market Price as of 10/31/2024 | |||
PIMCO Corporate & Income Strategy Fund | (NYSE: PCN) | $0.112500 | 11.37 | % | 9.80 | % | |
PIMCO Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund | (NYSE: PTY) | $0.118800 | 12.24 | % | 9.81 | % | |
PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund | (NYSE: PGP) | $0.069000 | 10.77 | % | 10.36 | % | |
PIMCO High Income Fund | (NYSE: PHK) | $0.048000 | 12.23 | % | 11.50 | % | |
PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. | (NYSE: RCS) | $0.051000 | 13.78 | % | 7.98 | % | |
PCM Fund, Inc. | (NYSE: PCM) | $0.080000 | 15.21 | % | 11.91 | % | |
PIMCO Income Strategy Fund | (NYSE: PFL) | $0.081400 | 11.99 | % | 11.44 | % | |
PIMCO Income Strategy Fund II | (NYSE: PFN) | $0.071800 | 11.98 | % | 11.46 | % | |
PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund | (NYSE: PDI) | $0.220500 | 15.33 | % | 13.56 | % | |
PIMCO Dynamic Income Opportunities Fund | (NYSE: PDO) | $0.127900 | 11.70 | % | 11.36 | % | |
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund | (NYSE: PMF) | $0.042000 | 5.37 | % | 5.22 | % | |
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund | (NYSE: PCQ) | $0.036000 | 4.13 | % | 4.36 | % | |
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund | (NYSE: PNF) | $0.033500 | 4.64 | % | 5.02 | % | |
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II | (NYSE: PML) | $0.039500 | 5.43 | % | 5.39 | % | |
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II | (NYSE: PCK) | $0.021500 | 3.87 | % | 4.31 | % | |
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II | (NYSE: PNI) | $0.029500 | 4.22 | % | 4.76 | % | |
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III | (NYSE: PMX) | $0.033000 | 4.93 | % | 5.04 | % | |
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III | (NYSE: PZC) | $0.029500 | 4.59 | % | 4.86 | % | |
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund III | (NYSE: PYN) | $0.024800 | 4.46 | % | 4.95 | % | |
PIMCO Access Income Fund | (NYSE: PAXS) | $0.149400 | 11.59 | % | 11.40 | % | |
PIMCO Dynamic Income Strategy Fund | (NYSE: PDX) | 0.113300 | 5.26 | % | 5.90 | % |
Average Annual Total Returns Based on NAV and Market Price ("MKT”) of Common Shares as of
October 31, 2024:
Fund | NYSE Symbol | Inception
Date |
1 Year | 5 Year | 10 Year | Since Inception | |||||
PIMCO Corporate & Income Strategy Fund | (NYSE: PCN) | 12/21/2001 | NAV | 25.22 | % | 7.37 | % | 8.38 | % | 10.81 | % |
MKT | 35.48 | % | 3.45 | % | 8.69 | % | 10.58 | % | |||
PIMCO Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund | (NYSE: PTY) | 12/27/2002 | NAV | 28.16 | % | 8.78 | % | 9.91 | % | 12.69 | % |
MKT | 26.05 | % | 5.69 | % | 9.53 | % | 12.38 | % | |||
PIMCO Global StocksPLUS® & Income Fund | (NYSE: PGP) | 5/31/2005 | NAV | 37.28 | % | 6.62 | ()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;return b.test(a)}$(document).ready(function(){if(performance.navigation.type==2){location.reload(true)}$("iframe[data-lazy-src]").each(function(b){$(this).attr("src",$(this).attr("data-lazy-src"))});if($(".owl-article-body-images").length){$(".owl-article-body-images").owlCarousel({items:1,loop:true,center:false,dots:false,autoPlay:true,mouseDrag:false,touchDrag:false,pullDrag:false,nav:true})}var a=$("#display_full_text").val();if(a==0){$.ajax({url:"/ajax/set-article-cookie",type:"POST",data:{cmsArticleId:$("#cms_article_id").val()},dataType:"json",success:function(b){},error:function(b,d,c){}})}$(".read-full-article").on("click",function(d){d.preventDefault();var b=$(this).attr("data-cmsArticleId");var c=$(this).attr("data-productId");var f=$(this).attr("data-href");dataLayer.push({event:"paywall_click",paywall_name:"the_manila_times_premium",paywall_id:"paywall_article_"+b});$.ajax({url:"/ajax/set-article-cookie",type:"POST",data:{cmsArticleId:b,productId:c},dataType:"json",success:function(e){window.location.href=$("#BASE_URL").val()+f},error:function(e,h,g){}})});$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .close-btn").on("click",function(){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form").fadeOut(1000)})});$(document).on("click",".article-embedded-newsletter-form .newsletter-button",function(){var b=$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .newsletter_email").val();var d=$("#ga_user_id").val();var c=$("#ga_user_yob").val();var a=$("#ga_user_gender").val();var e=$("#ga_user_country").val();if(validateEmail(b)){$.ajax({url:"/ajax/sendynewsletter",type:"POST",data:{email:b},success:function(f){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html(f);$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").addClass("show");setTimeout(function(){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").removeClass("show");$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html("")},6000);dataLayer.push({event:"newsletter_sub",user_id:d,product_name:"newsletter",gender:a,yob:c,country:e})},error:function(f,h,g){}})}else{$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html("Please enter a valid email address.");$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").addClass("show");setTimeout(function(){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").removeClass("show");$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html("")},6000)}});$(document).on("click",".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message",function(){$(this).removeClass("show");$(this).html("")});