Opinion > Editorial
Stand firm against nuclear proliferation

AT the recent meeting of the board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held in Vienna from Nov. 20 to 22, Philippine Ambassador to Austria Evangelina Bernas reaffirmed the Philippines' support for nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, and called for greater international cooperation in reducing the growing threat posed by the world's nuclear powers. We unequivocally support the Philippines' long-standing rejection of nuclear weapons, which includes a ban on nuclear weapons within Philippine territory, and applaud Ambassador Bernas for making the country's position clear to the leaders of the IAEA.

Of course, we must also acknowledge the reality that, in discussions about nuclear arms, the Philippines is only a small voice. The growing threat of nuclear proliferation, however, makes it imperative that we find ways to amplify that voice and join with the chorus of other nations that are deeply alarmed by the wrong direction the world's nuclear powers are taking.