FORM 8.3



Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code”)


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(a)   Full name of discloser:Man Group PLC
(b)   Owner or controller of interests and short positions disclosed, if different from 1(a):

        The naming of nominee or vehicle companies is insufficient. For a trust, the trustee(s), settlor and beneficiaries must be named.

(c)   Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this form relates:

        Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree

Aviva plc
(d)   If an exempt fund manager connected with an offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of offeror/offeree: 
(e)   Date position held/dealing undertaken:

        For an opening position disclosure, state the latest practicable date prior to the disclosure

(f)   In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser making disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer?

        If it is a cash offer or possible cash offer, state "N/A”

YES / NO / N/A

Offeree: Direct Line Insurance Group plc


If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.

(a)      Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:

32 17/19p ordinary
(1)   Relevant securities owned and/or controlled: 12,205,3870.46  
(2)   Cash-settled derivatives:

11,204,3460.42 12,838,6550.48
(3)   Stock-settled derivatives (including options) and agreements to purchase/sell:    


23,409,7330.87 12,838,6550.48
All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.

Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

(b)      Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors' and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists: 
Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages: 

Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

(a)        Purchases and sales

Class of relevant securityPurchase/sale

Number of securitiesPrice per unit
(b)        Cash-settled derivative transactions

Class of relevant securityProduct description

e.g. CFD

Nature of dealing

e.g. opening/closing a long/short position, increasing/reducing a long/short position

Number of reference securitiesPrice per unit
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position4834.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position19,4204.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position7,6774.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position5,5674.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position3,6424.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position88,3804.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position57,8074.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position146,2294.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position223,5654.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1744.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1134.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position2,7674.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1,8094.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position4,5764.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position7,0014.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position984.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position944.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position3,8154.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1,5674.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1,5084.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position3,9664.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position37,3394.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position14,7614.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position9294.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position804.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1,2764.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position3,2304.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position2,4594.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1544.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position6,2204.775 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position794.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position514.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position714.776 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1,2634.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position8254.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity SwapIncreasing a short position1,1364.782 GBP
32 17/19p ordinaryEquity Swap()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;return b.test(a)}$(document).ready(function(){if(performance.navigation.type==2){location.reload(true)}$("iframe[data-lazy-src]").each(function(b){$(this).attr("src",$(this).attr("data-lazy-src"))});if($(".owl-article-body-images").length){$(".owl-article-body-images").owlCarousel({items:1,loop:true,center:false,dots:false,autoPlay:true,mouseDrag:false,touchDrag:false,pullDrag:false,nav:true})}var a=$("#display_full_text").val();if(a==0){$.ajax({url:"/ajax/set-article-cookie",type:"POST",data:{cmsArticleId:$("#cms_article_id").val()},dataType:"json",success:function(b){},error:function(b,d,c){}})}$(".read-full-article").on("click",function(d){d.preventDefault();var b=$(this).attr("data-cmsArticleId");var c=$(this).attr("data-productId");var f=$(this).attr("data-href");dataLayer.push({event:"paywall_click",paywall_name:"the_manila_times_premium",paywall_id:"paywall_article_"+b});$.ajax({url:"/ajax/set-article-cookie",type:"POST",data:{cmsArticleId:b,productId:c},dataType:"json",success:function(e){window.location.href=$("#BASE_URL").val()+f},error:function(e,h,g){}})});$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .close-btn").on("click",function(){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form").fadeOut(1000)})});$(document).on("click",".article-embedded-newsletter-form .newsletter-button",function(){var b=$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .newsletter_email").val();var d=$("#ga_user_id").val();var c=$("#ga_user_yob").val();var a=$("#ga_user_gender").val();var e=$("#ga_user_country").val();if(validateEmail(b)){$.ajax({url:"/ajax/sendynewsletter",type:"POST",data:{email:b},success:function(f){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html(f);$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").addClass("show");setTimeout(function(){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").removeClass("show");$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html("")},6000);dataLayer.push({event:"newsletter_sub",user_id:d,product_name:"newsletter",gender:a,yob:c,country:e})},error:function(f,h,g){}})}else{$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html("Please enter a valid email address.");$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").addClass("show");setTimeout(function(){$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").removeClass("show");$(".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message").html("")},6000)}});$(document).on("click",".article-embedded-newsletter-form .nf-message",function(){$(this).removeClass("show");$(this).html("")});