Siili Solutions Plc updates its long-term financial targets for 2025-2028

Siili Solutions Plc Stock exchange release 26 November 2024 at 09:30 EET

The Board of Directors of Siili Solutions Plc has approved updated financial targets for years 2025-2028. Financial targets remain the same, but the target period will be longer. Previously the financial targets were set for the years 2025-2026.

Financial targets 2025-2028

  • Annual revenue growth of 20 percent, of which organic growth accounts for about half
  • Adjusted EBITA 12 percent of revenue
  • Net debt-to-EBITDA < 2
  • The aim is to pay a dividend corresponding to 30-70 percent of net profit annually
"The overall state of the IT service market has remained challenging, and recovery of the markets is taking longer than expected. We are committed to keeping our financial targets the same as before. However, due to the market situation, we expect that achieving the growth and profitability goals will take longer than we previously estimated,” says CEO Tomi Pienimäki.

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For more information:

Tomi Pienimäki, CEO

Phone: +358 40 834 1399, email: tomi.pienimaki(at)

Aleksi Kankainen, CFO

Phone: +358 40 534 2709, email: aleksi.kankainen(at)


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd

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Siili Solutions in brief:

Siili Solutions Plc is a forerunner in AI-powered digital development. Siili is the go-to partner for clients seeking growth, efficiency and competitive advantage through digital transformation. Our main markets are Finland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Siili Solutions Plc's shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange. Siili has grown profitably since its founding in 2005.