RTOERO urges voters to consider power of 'one voice' in Nova Scotia election
RTOERO urges voters to consider power of 'one voice' in Nova Scotia election
- environmental stewardship
- geriatric healthcare
- the need for a coordinated seniors strategy
Voters in Nova Scotia are invited to visit vibrantvoices.ca/provincial, where they can access a form with customizable content to send a message to their candidates.
"We're reminding voters that their voice matters,” explains Jim Grieve, CEO of RTOERO. "Unified advocacy sends a clear message: we want compassionate leadership and real change."
RTOERO advocates year-round for critical policy improvements. In addition to advocacy, the organization focuses several initiatives on these key priority areas, including:
- Funding for research related to geriatrics and innovative solutions to support the social inclusion of older adults through the RTOERO Foundation
- Scholarships for post-secondary students studying fields related to geriatrics and supporting Canada's aging population
- Funding for early-career practitioners to work with the National Institute on Ageing through a program called Summer Scholars
- Community grants to support and partner with local organizations to improve the lives older adults, and support environmental and other community initiatives
- Webinar series for members and guests to provide deep learning on various topics related to healthy aging, advocacy, environment and more
RTOERO is a bilingual trusted voice on healthy, active living in the retirement journey for Canada's education community. With 86,000+ members in 51 districts across Canada, we are the largest national provider of non-profit group health benefits for education workers and retirees. We welcome members who work in or are retired from the early years, schools and school boards, post-secondary and any other capacity in education.
RTOERO urges voters to consider power of 'one voice' in Nova Scotia election
RTOERO urges voters to consider power of 'one voice' in Nova Scotia election
CONTACT: Anne Gerson