The EPSO-G group of energy transmission and exchange companies (company code 302826889, registered office address Laisvės Ave. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania)

EPSO-G announces the consolidated financial and performance results of the Group consisting of the holding company EPSO-G, companies Amber Grid, Baltpool, Energy cells, EPSO-G Invest, Litgrid and Tetas.

The main financial indicators for January-September 2024:

Main financial indicatorsJanuary-September 2024January-September 2023Change, %
Revenue, million EUR352.0355.1-0.9
EBITDA, million EUR67.578,2-13,7
Net profit, million EUR35.653.9-34.0
Investments, million EUR148.9135.59.9
ROE (of the (last 12 months), %11.419.3-
Net debt, million EUR-7.183.5n/a
Adjusted* EBITDA, million EUR58.146.624.6
Adjusted* net profit, million EUR28.017.956.2
Adjusted* ROE (last 12 months), %10.79.7-
Ratio of net debt to adjusted EBITDA (last 12 months)n/a1.4n/a
*Recalculation of regulated income, cost and profitability indicators is carried out due to temporary regulatory deviations from the regulated profitability approved by the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC). In calculating the adjusted indicators, adjustment of income due to previous periods is assessed. By decision of NERC, such adjustment has already been approved by determining the regulated prices of transmission services for the reporting period, and deviation from the NERC approved (regulated) and actual profitability of the reporting period is assessed. This deviation will be assessed when NERC will set transmission prices for the upcoming period.

Enclosed: condensed consolidated and separate financial statements of EPSO-G group of 30 September 2024; press release.

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More information

Gediminas Petrauskas, EPSO-G Communication Partner

Tel. +370 610 63306, e-mail [email protected]
