by The Manila Times
Nov 03, 2024 12:05 am
The Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Picpa), the Association of Certified Public Accountants in Commerce and Industry (Acpaci), and P&A Foundation Inc. recently launched the 26th Search for the Outstanding Accounting Students of the Philippines (Soasp). This annual competition celebrates the intellect and dedication of graduating accounting students nationwide. Soasp has made improvements this year, increasing its budget and embracing technology to enhance the experience. Digital tablets replace traditional pen-and-paper, streamlining the process and making participation easier. The 26th Soasp will conclude with the grand finals in March at the Makati Diamond Hotel. Updates and additional event details will be announced as the finals approach. The memorandum of agreement for the event was signed by (from left) Marc John Guiab, Acpaci Soasp chairman; Elano Marcelo, Acpaci national president; Romualdo Murcia III, P&A Foundation chairperson, chairman and managing partner; Roland Pondoc, Picpa national president, and P&A Foundation trustee, Soasp project coordinator; and P&A Grant Thornton's Vice Chairman and Deputy Managing Partner Atty. Olivier Aznar. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
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