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Clear and consistent policies for light electric vehicles now

THIS week's edition of Mobility Matters features the Move As One Coalition's statement regarding the inconsistent and likely unlawful treatment of light electric vehicles (LEVs) by several government agencies. It applauds the announcement of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to suspend the registration of LEVs and the licensing of LEV users as well as the decision of the Department of Transportation (DoTr) to conduct a legal review of policies and regulations that are inconsistent with the Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act (Evida).

To promote mobility and cooler, healthier and more livable cities, many governments worldwide are shifting to public transport, active transport (walking or cycling) and light electric vehicles (LEVs — e.g., e-trikes, e-bikes, electric kick scooters), which are all climate-friendly, space-efficient, health-inducing and low-cost. In fact, many cities are moving to electric cargo bikes as the 'last mile' logistics solution in order to reduce road congestion. For all these good reasons, e-bikes and e-trikes are today the fastest-growing type of electric vehicle globally. In fact, the global policy prescription is to regulate such vehicles 'lightly,' treating them as much as possible like bicycles so that there are few barriers to adoption.