Palmetto Publishing Announces The Release of THE TRUTH ABOUT PALESTINE
The Truth About Palestine: The Warmest Space was My Mother
Born to Palestinian parents, she resented their decision to leave their homeland. Ayesh yearned to proudly declare her birthplace as Bethlehem, just like her father. However, her father explained that their departure was driven by a desire to provide their children with a brighter future.
Through the power of literature, poetry, and her family's stories, Ayesh embarks on a voyage of self-discovery. She skillfully weaves together her personal narrative, inviting readers to join her in exploring the complexities of identity and the significance of heritage.
With a tone of enthusiasm, Ayesh's memoir offers a unique perspective on the immigrant experience and the power of literature to shape one's identity. The Truth About Palestine is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and a deeper understanding of the human spirit.
The Truth About Palestine: The Warmest Space was My Mother is available for purchase online at and Barnes and For more information about the author, please visit any of her social media platforms
Instagram: @narimanayesh
LinkedIn: Nariman Ayesh | LinkedIn
About the Author:
Nariman Ahmad Yousef Ayesh majored in English because of her passion for reading and writing in English. Her English teachers encouraged her to apply to the college of San Mateo where she graduated with her associate's degrees in English and social science in spring 2017. Afterwards, she transferred to San Francisco State University (SFSU) where she received her BA and MA in English Literature. By her graduation in 2021, she had also completed a reading certificate, a teaching of composition certificate, and a teaching of post-secondary reading certificate at SFSU.
CONTACT: Leah Joseph
Palmetto Publishing