Prodigies in art and in science
HIGHLIGHTS we shared our readers last week were two of our many prodigies — the 15-year-old Filipino American Alessandra Storm Mauricio, 'who is creating buzz with her contributions to cancer treatment research,' and 12-year-old Martinus, a Grade 7 student from Richmindale Learning in Dubai, receiving multiple awards at WCOPA 2024 demonstrating exceptional talent and dedication, earning him widespread acclaim.' ( The National Youth Commission (NYC), 'an agency officially mandated to take care of youth's potential in nation-building, defined a 'youth' extending 'the marker by adopting the age bracket 15 to 30 (RA 8044, 1995). Other government agencies, on the other hand, follow the UN convention using 15 to 24 as the age range for the youth.' [(PDF) The Filipino Youth Today: Their Strengths and the Challenges They Face (]