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Statkraft AS - Successful placement of dual-currency green bonds

Today, Statkraft has issued NOK-and SEK-denominated senior unsecured green bonds under its EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) programme.

The transaction was split into two tranches:

* SEK 1 400 million 3-year senior unsecured green bond issue with floating rate coupon of 3 months Stibor +0.47% p.a.

* NOK 1 400 million 11-year senior unsecured green bond issue with fixed

  coupon of 4.597% p.a.

An equivalent amount to the net proceeds from the bond issue will be used to finance Eligible Projects as specified in Statkraft' s Green Finance Framework.

The settlement date is set to October 22, 2024. Statkraft will apply for the NOK-denominated green bonds to be listed at Oslo Stock Exchange and the SEK-denominated green bonds at Euronext Dublin.

DNB Markets, Handelsbanken and Nordea acted as Joint

Bookrunners for the issuance.

The EMTN Offering Circular and Green Finance Framework are available on

Statkraft' s website:

For further information, please contact:

Funding Manager André Halle Julin, tel.: +47 992 54 205

VP Group Treasury Stephan Skaane, tel.: +47 905 13 652

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.