(UPDATE) THE Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) will shoulder its members' prescription glasses, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs starting in January.

The additional benefits stemmed from Speaker Martin Romualdez's request to PhilHealth officials, House Deputy Majority Leader Erwin Tulfo said.

House Deputy Majority Leader Erwin Tulfo. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
House Deputy Majority Leader Erwin Tulfo. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO

He said that senior citizens and persons with disabilities or PWDs have difficulty moving about every day. That is why Romualdez has proposed that PhilHealth also provide for the glasses and mobility aids, Tulfo said.

Last Thursday, Tulfo and Romualdez met with PhilHealth officials led by its president, Emmanuel Ledesma.

Tulfo said the officials agreed to shoulder this equipment starting next year.

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He said Ledesma asked for time to allow the agency to develop the mechanics of the additional assistance to seniors and PWDs.