Items from Elvis Presley, Beach Boys and more hit auction block

Rare collectibles from the worlds of music and film, including gold rings owned by Elvis Presley and a letter written by Beach Boy Brian Wilson, will be up for auction this weekend. The 'Artifacts of Hollywood & Music' sale from Kruse GWS Auctions features nearly 400 lots, with items also from Prince, Aaliyah, and Abigail Folger, a coffee heiress who was a victim of the Manson murders. Among the top lots are several items that belonged to Presley, including a microphone from the performer's Las Vegas residency, a pill bottle marked March 1977, and two unique gold rings, which are estimated to sell for $35,000 to $60,000. Another highlight is a handwritten letter by Wilson to Beach Boys bandmate and cousin Mike Love, which Kruse said was expected to go for at least $10,000. The online auction will be livestreamed and take place on Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024.