IN a statement on Wednesday, the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) said that the Philippines has too many holidays, and Congress should consider trimming the list to help the economy grow. While there would be some value in reviewing the list of annual holidays and the manner in which holidays are declared by the government, we believe the assertion that the number of holidays that currently exist has a negative effect on the economy is a non sequitur and should be dismissed.
In the statement, PCCI President Enunina Mangio said there were approximately 22 regular and five special holidays per year, not including local observances and work cancellations due to natural disasters. Mangio added, 'We have too many holidays compared to the others in the region,' pointing out this leads to higher labor costs that burden small businesses. 'We have to reduce its negative impacts on the productivity of our workforce and state of our economy,' Mangio stressed. 'Let us focus and work on our productivity and competitiveness, and make sure we attract more investors into the country.'