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The best mass transit investment today is the EDSA Busway


AMONG the mass transit investment options today, I would argue that the top choice is the EDSA Busway. It needs to be among the highest priorities of the government. As a mass transit investment, the busway offers a very high economic return (exceeding that of any railway project), it will deliver a significant improvement in people's lives and mobility, and it will be operational well before the end of the Marcos administration. It will dramatically transform Metro Manila's mobility environment.

EDSA is the country's most important transportation corridor. It deserves to have more than one high-capacity, high-quality mass transit service, providing valuable redundancy in case the MRT3 falters. Expanding public transportation capacity on EDSA is also key to delivering a better quality of life for millions of Filipinos who live and work in the Greater Manila area. In terms of increasing mass transit services on EDSA, the EDSA Busway is the 'lowest-hanging fruit.'