World > Asia & Oceania
Hamas bares 'unity' deal with Palestinian rivals

BEIJING — Hamas announced on Tuesday it had signed an agreement in Beijing with other Palestinian organizations, including rival Fatah, to work together for 'national unity,' with China describing it as a deal to rule the Gaza Strip together once the war there ends.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who hosted senior Hamas official Musa Abu Marzuk, Fatah envoy Mahmud al-Aloul and emissaries from 12 other Palestinian groups, said they had agreed to set up an 'interim national reconciliation government' to govern postwar Gaza.

PEACE PLAYER? (From left) Mahmoud al-Aloul, vice chairman of Fatah’s Central Committee; China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi; and Mussa Abu Marzuk, Hamas senior member, converse during an event at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in the Chinese capital Beijing on July 23, 2024. AFP PHOTO