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YGG Pilipinas highlights Web3 gaming in Manila

GAMING communities like Yield Guild Games (YGG) Pilipinas integrate cutting-edge technology with local traditions to foster a dynamic Web3 culture in the Philippines. YGG is a Web3 Guild Protocol that enables players and gaming guilds to find their community, discover games, and level up together. Today, the event at Ayala Malls TriNoma in Quezon City showcases YGG Pilipinas' year-long effort to make Web3 gaming accessible to Filipinos.

'Our mission has been to democratize access to Web3 opportunities for Filipinos nationwide. After connecting with Web3 communities in Batangas, Baguio, Cebu, Davao, and Bacolod over the past year, we are excited to host the final chapter of the Roadtrip in the nation's capital,' said Mench Dizon, YGG Pilipinas country head.