World > Asia & Oceania
Landslide at gold mine kills 11 in Indonesia

JAKARTA — A landslide triggered by torrential rains crashed onto an unauthorized gold mining operation on Indonesia's Sulawesi island, killing at least 11 people, officials said on Monday.

About 35 villagers were digging for grains of gold on Sunday in a pit at the small traditional gold mine in the remote Bone Bolango regency in Gorontalo province when tons of mud plunged down the surrounding hills and buried them, said Afifuddin Ilahude, Gorontalo's search and rescue agency spokesman.

GRAVE TASK Rescuers search for landslide victims at Tulabo village, Sumawa district, Bone Bolango regency, Gorontalo province, Sulawesi island, central Indonesia, on July 7, 2024. INDONESIAN NATIONAL SEARCH AND RESCUE AGENCY HANDOUT PHOTO VIA EPA