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9th BCM between PH and China: Diplomacy moving forward


LAST July 2, I was interviewed on the SMNI program 'Nightline News,' hosted by MJ and Admar, on many crucial issues related to the country's dispute with China over the South China Sea. I was asked about the impact of the ongoing tensions between the Philippines and China over the SCS dispute, particularly concerning our overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong. I also discussed my views on the 9th Bilateral Consultation Mechanism (BCM) between the Philippines and China, which took place on July 2, 2024 in Manila.

Indeed, the escalating disputes between the Philippines and China over the SCS pose risks to the safety and livelihoods of our OFWs in mainland China and Hong Kong. Thus, de-escalating tension in the SCS is crucial for the Philippines and its OFWs in Hong Kong and mainland China through diplomacy, dialogue and negotiations. For one, the uncertainty and potential for the escalation of tension between the Philippines and China over the SCS dispute cause significant psychological stress for OFWs and their families, affecting their overall well-being.