Public Square
PH places 4th in inaugural Vietnam Bird Race

THE Wild Bird Photographers of the Philippines (WBPP) Team Pilipinas won fourth place in the first Vietnam Bird Race at Tràm Chim National Park in Dong Thap Province, Vietnam.

WBPP Team Pilipinas was the only foreign team to win the close bird race. With 68 bird species photographed, the team was only 1 point behind the Vietnamese team Spot-billed Pelican, which scored 69 points, and thus took third place. Second place went to the Vietnamese team Bengal Florican with 70 bird species. The winner was the Vietnamese team Brown Bobby with 71 bird species.

Wild Bird Photographers of the Philippines (WBPP) Team Pilipinas is composed of (from left) WBPP Treasurer Djop Tabaranza, Co-founder and President Alain Pascua, Trustee Loel Lamela and Secretary Bert Madrigal. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO