The Alyansa Bantay Kapayapaan at Demokrasya rallies in front of the Chinese consulate in Makati City on Friday, April 19 2024, calling on China to respect the arbitral ruling on the West Philippine Sea and to stop harassing Philippine ships sailing within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The group also expressed outrage against the so-called 'gentlemen's agreement' between then president Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xing Jinping on keeping the status quo in the West Philippine Sea. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA
The Alyansa Bantay Kapayapaan at Demokrasya rallies in front of the Chinese consulate in Makati City on Friday, April 19 2024, calling on China to respect the arbitral ruling on the West Philippine Sea and to stop harassing Philippine ships sailing within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The group also expressed outrage against the so-called 'gentlemen's agreement' between then president Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xing Jinping on keeping the status quo in the West Philippine Sea. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA
The Alyansa Bantay Kapayapaan at Demokrasya rallies in front of the Chinese consulate in Makati City on Friday, April 19 2024, calling on China to respect the arbitral ruling on the West Philippine Sea and to stop harassing Philippine ships sailing within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The group also expressed outrage against the so-called 'gentlemen's agreement' between then president Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xing Jinping on keeping the status quo in the West Philippine Sea. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA
The Alyansa Bantay Kapayapaan at Demokrasya rallies in front of the Chinese consulate in Makati City on Friday, April 19 2024, calling on China to respect the arbitral ruling on the West Philippine Sea and to stop harassing Philippine ships sailing within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The group also expressed outrage against the so-called 'gentlemen's agreement' between then president Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xing Jinping on keeping the status quo in the West Philippine Sea. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA
The Alyansa Bantay Kapayapaan at Demokrasya rallies in front of the Chinese consulate in Makati City on Friday, April 19 2024, calling on China to respect the arbitral ruling on the West Philippine Sea and to stop harassing Philippine ships sailing within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The group also expressed outrage against the so-called 'gentlemen's agreement' between then president Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xing Jinping on keeping the status quo in the West Philippine Sea. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA
The Alyansa Bantay Kapayapaan at Demokrasya rallies in front of the Chinese consulate in Makati City on Friday, April 19 2024, calling on China to respect the arbitral ruling on the West Philippine Sea and to stop harassing Philippine ships sailing within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The group also expressed outrage against the so-called 'gentlemen's agreement' between then president Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xing Jinping on keeping the status quo in the West Philippine Sea. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA
The Alyansa Bantay Kapayapaan at Demokrasya rallies in front of the Chinese consulate in Makati City on Friday, April 19 2024, calling on China to respect the arbitral ruling on the West Philippine Sea and to stop harassing Philippine ships sailing within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The group also expressed outrage against the so-called 'gentlemen's agreement' between then president Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xing Jinping on keeping the status quo in the West Philippine Sea. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA