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How board chairs are approaching climate change governance


YOU do not have to follow the news to know that climate change is disrupting daily lives here in the Philippines. You can feel it every day with the extremely high temperatures affecting established routines, including in-person classes for students still recovering from the prolonged disruption of the pandemic. The challenge is profound, which underscores the importance of owning the problem at the level where the power to effect change is most concentrated.

For board chairs, it may be the biggest risk to their organizations, which is saying a lot considering how volatile the world has gotten in just the past four years. A 2023 Deloitte survey of C-suite executives around the world found that 61 percent of these leaders expect climate change to have a high or very high impact on their organization's strategy and operations over the next three years. Knowing the key role board chairs will play in managing that impact, Deloitte interviewed more than 200 chairs of some of the largest companies in the world to better understand how they are navigating the climate change agenda.