Public Square
8399 hurdle PNP entrance test, 5021 pass promotional exams

A TOTAL of 13,420 or 35.37 percent of the 37,937 examinees hurdled the police examinations conducted by the National Police Commission (Napolcom) on Dec. 10, 2023 in 24 designated testing centers nationwide and on Feb. 11, 2024 in Butuan City examination center.

The total number of passers is distributed as follows: 8,399 passers of the PNP Entrance (PNPE) Examination representing 28.76 percent of the 29,205 PNPE examinees, and the combined 5,021 passers constituting 57.50 percent of the 8,732 in-service police officers who took the PNP Promotional Examinations.