Opinion > Columns
BSP on polymer banknotes, true or false

ANOTHER infuriating press release from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) through its apparent spokesman, the deputy governor, Mamerto Tangonan, no less. Tangonan claims that following the 'acceptability' of polymer banknotes circulated since 2021 (about 50 million) on an 'experimental' (BSP's choice of words in earlier press releases) basis, they will now circulate 1 billion banknotes of the same polymer currency.

We challenge the BSP to show us a survey from a reputable survey agency that shows the so-called acceptability of these polymer banknotes that are made of unsustainable material, rejected by our cash market economy and much criticized for the apparent marginalization of Philippine heroes and abaca, our premier and world-renowned natural fiber as material for the banknotes.