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Climate action with Taiwan: Supporting Taiwan's professional, pragmatic and constructive participation in the UNFCCC

THE dangerous impact of climate change on humanity is becoming increasingly apparent and urgent, as evidenced by such phenomena as this year's wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, and the record-high temperatures registered worldwide in July. As a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan has launched a series of actions this year to combat climate change.

Domestically, Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen announced the amendment and renaming of the 'Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act' to the 'Climate Change Response Act' in February, making Taiwan the 18th self-governing territory in the world to codify the 2050 net-zero emissions goal into law. Moreover, its Environmental Protection Administration was restructured into the 'Ministry of Environment' to accelerate its efforts to enhance government capacity in August. The Climate Change Administration and the Resource Circulation Administration were established simultaneously to integrate the handling of environmental issues. And Taiwan officially established the Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange in August, with the aim to create incentives for businesses to reduce their carbon emissions.