Opinion > Columns
UAE turned COP28 into world's biggest game of 'Among Us'

MY original topic for today was to have been another absolute howler, that being the World Coal Association's recent rebranding of itself as 'FutureCoal: The Global Alliance for Sustainable Coal,' and no, I am not making that up; that is a thing that actually happened. However, my morning news review yesterday (Wednesday) threw that plan into complete disarray by presenting a more important story that, in hindsight, is not at all surprising but nevertheless comes as a sickening shock.

When Dubai in the United Arab Emirates was selected a couple of years ago as the host city for this year's COP28 climate summit, the choice raised a few eyebrows. Given that the chief villain, if there is one, in the global climate emergency is the oil and gas industry, it did seem more than a little contradictory to hold the annual climate talks in a place that, were it not for enormous oil and gas reserves, would be home to little else but sand fleas and subsistence fishermen.