Legal Advice
Deceit maybe present when one sells a property which he does not own

Dear PAO,

Lino presented a photocopy of the title where his name was reflected as the registered owner, and he is selling it to me. We signed a contract to sell, and I made a down payment. The remaining balance will be paid in installments. He failed to present the owner's duplicate copy of the title until now. A further inquiry revealed that the name 'Lino' appearing in the title was already dead and happened to be his uncle, and this 'Lino' to whom I have been talking is an impostor. I told Lino to refund my money, or I will file a complaint estafa against him. He claimed that he could not be held liable for such a crime because he inherited the land, but he could not present evidence to back his claim. Is there a fraud or deceit in this instance?