Opinion > Columns
Elected officials and big businessmen in the news

THOSE of us who still read newspapers and the rest of us who watch television news are subjected to reports of the antics of questionable elected public officials and their business equivalents, big businessmen (I limit it to the male gender because most big businesswomen are more circumspect and, as you may have noted, better behaved).

In the case of politics, you will always note elected officials' smiling faces doing some public activity like ornamenting an inauguration of their district's new infrastructure — be it some shoddy piece of work because they somehow had taken their usual huge percentage cut of the budget for it through various nefarious sleight of accounting tricks — or giving dole-outs in various forms i.e. school supplies, rice, money, medicines etc. Or maybe public parties with raffle prizes to endear themselves to their poor and willfully kept ignorant constituents.