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China, the empire of hypocrisy

DUPLICITOUS messaging from China, either directly or by way of its numerous paid media hacks here and elsewhere, has become so familiar that we tend to become numb to it, but the Big Red Regime's reaction to the controversial release of contaminated wastewater from Japan's destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex stands out for its obnoxious hypocrisy.

For those who have not kept up with the news, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco), the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, last Thursday began releasing wastewater from the facility into the ocean. Most of the billions of liters of wastewater, which is contaminated with tritium, carbon-14, strontium-90, and iodine-129, was collected as a result of efforts to contain one of the world's worst nuclear accidents, the result of the plant being wrecked by the tsunami caused by the powerful 2011 Tohoku earthquake.