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The UAP B4 Center for Architects opens in Lipa

ON the morning of August 1, before the clock struck 9, heavy rains came. But these were reduced to a drizzle, and the sky cleared up before the start of an event — the first of its kind and never been done by a United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) regional district as a project — for which the downpour had appeared to play a celebratory symphony.

Prior to our joint district induction and turnover ceremonies, we architects belonging to UAP District B4 inaugurated its UAP B4 Center for Architects in Lipa City, Batangas province. We wanted to start right, as this is our first district project of the current fiscal year. Pastor Aaron Santos of Victory Lipa church led the dedication ceremony, which was attended by more than 50 architects and over 20 industry representatives — twice the number of guests we had expected.