Expats & Diplomats
Australia, UNDP back NCR's approach against climate threats

The Philippines' National Capital Region (NCR) is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world in terms of population. It is the seat of the Philippine national government and accounts for a third (31.5 percent) of the country's annual gross domestic revenues. Unfortunately, the National Captial Region (NCR) is highly vulnerable to flooding and earthquakes, given its low-lying coastal location and the presence of the West Valley Fault System, which cuts across the entire region, from North to South.

To mitigate climate and disaster risks in the region, the Department of the Interior and Local Government in the NCR (DILG-NCR) agreed to collaborate with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) under the Strengthening Institutions and Empowering Localities against Disasters and Climate Change (Shield) Program, a resilience initiative supported by the Australian Government.