Opinion > Columns
True faith stands strong despite clerical child abuse

FOLLOWERS of Jesus of Nazareth have true faith in his teaching that goodness, truth, justice, love of neighbor, and human and children's rights will one day overcome and defeat evil. Their faith, that of the People of God, will not be shaken. They will stand firm and welcome the truth — even the shocking truth of clerical child abuse — that is being revealed and challenged. It is a process that is cleansing the Institutional Church of complicity in crimes against children.

These investigations into clerical child abuse by the authorities in several nations, like in the Catholic Diocese of Baltimore in the US, where investigators are independent of the hierarchy, revealed widespread clerical child sex abuse and the cover-up by bishops. In the Diocese of Baltimore, over 150 priests were found to have sexually abused at least 600 children, and many more cases were covered up by Church officials. That is just the tip of the iceberg of clerical child abuse in Baltimore.